DonnaCerila Certified Branded
We are proud and very glad to announce that our bag is certified and registered own Pilipino branded bag...This is why we made our bag always special for each one and most specially for all and every Pilipino who’s carrying our bags.
Because of this we make our bags for quality and comfort of all those who use them. We are not competing with anyone else’s branded bag but all we want is to bring happiness to every one owning one of ours.
Materials and design are carefully selected from Imported fabrics and waterproof properties. All accessories are always upgraded for long lasting use. Designs are made simple and depends upon needs of owners to complement their the stuff they need to bring along with them.
DonnaCerila is born to make bags from God’s gifted talent, and to bring joy to all from small kids until all ages. For women and men, for girls and boys.
Thank you so much and may you keep enjoying our bags.