Everyone Should Be Adjusting for A New Normal Life
New normal... here we are and we are almost adjusted already.
Workers in their work and now all students in their schooling.
Even though the covid virus is still around, we just stopped for a while and now we still keep moving forward. We are blessed and thankful because until now we are still alive and have a chance to live.

Yet it is the best thing to do, to fight and live beyond all hardships in life. More changes from old lives have been made if we compare it to now.
Despite covid threats, education is still carefully implemented through online classes. It’s also good bonding for some mothers and kids as we know that mother is our first teacher, and also for some older brothers or sisters teaching their younger siblings.
Here in the Philippines we see it all. Online classes are successfully launched. Perhaps no new bags or school things, nor uniform but what is important is education!
Modular ways or through gadgets, classes go on offline and online, or a hybrid combination.

We await the covid to finally finish, but for now everyone is a survivor and we keep praying for the situation to get better and better.
Meanwhile, DonnaCerila is also preparing and we continue to create new patterns for more good bags for the future. Bags usable for workers and students. Fashionable bags for every one as well.